NEWs & updates for the week of february 9-February 15
Sabbath services
Our In-Person Adult Sabbath School/Bible Study classes meet from 9:45-11:00 am and our
worship service begins at 11:15 am.
Our Children's Sabbath School class is meeting upstairs in the corner room from 10:15-11:00 am.
Scan the QR Code pictured or click the link below to view our online GHAF Church Bulletin for this Sabbath:
The Message
Sheri Malakhova is our speaker this week.
You are always welcome.
bible Study/Sabbath School Classes
Beginner/Primary Class
Our Beginner/Primary Class is open to ages 0-10. This class starts at 10:15 in-person upstairs in the corner room and follows GraceLink Primary lessons. Parents/guardians are invited to stay and participate with children 0-3 yrs.
Bible Study Discussion Class
This class studies various books of the Bible and is currently studying the Minor Prophets. This class starts at 9:45 am in the Board Room. (Click on the Bulletin link above for this week's reading.)
Adult Sabbath School Quarterly Discussion School Class
This class studies and discusses the Adult Sabbath School Quarterly. This class starts at 10:00 am in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. (Click on the Bulletin link above for the Quarterly link.)
Upper Room Class
Our Upper Room class is discussing the book "Somehow: Thoughts on Love" by Anne Lamott. This virtual class starts at 9:15 am on Zoom (Click the Bulletin link for the Zoom link for this class.).